Image Rights

All rights to images are to the individual photographer, and used with respect and in the interest of commentary and criticism

I will always credit images as fully and accurately as I can.

I am in contact with a few photographers at once securing permissions. In cases where I cannot contact the photographer or name the photographer I always offer a URL source. When I can link to the photographer’s work I will.

Creators at work, Blood Galaxy Set, Dec 23rd, 2007

Creators at work, ‘Blood Galaxy’ film set, Dec 23rd, 2007.

I attempt to write about photographs from angles not otherwise exhausted. I do not use images for minor reasons or repurpose them for cheap recognition.

If I am discussing a photograph it is because I care about what it depicts, I have researched the issues surrounding it, and I value it as a social document that has the capacity to bring about changes in peoples’ thinking.

That said, if I am asked by a photographer to remove her or his images, I will do so without hesitation.

Rights to written content

The texts on Prison Photography blog are the intellectual property of Pete Brook, solely.

Please link, quote and attribute respectfully – it is good for the biophotosphere.

If you are interested in using full texts for your own publications, please contact me:

prisonphotography [at] gmail [dot] com

If you’d like to know more about a topic, I’ll be happy to help and point you toward other resources.